10 Foods To Live Longer And Will Keep You Healthy!
The human body has evolved over millions of years to adapt to its environment. As such, our bodies are designed to thrive on certain types of food. Some foods contain nutrients that promote good health, while other foods are high in calories or unhealthy fats. What foods should you eat to live longer?
There are some foods that are known to improve overall health and longevity. These include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, fish, nuts, seeds, beans, and legumes. On the other hand, there are also foods that are associated with poor health and shorter life spans. These include red meat, processed meats, refined carbohydrates, trans fat, and sugary drinks.
In the absence of the elixir of youth, eating well will increase your life expectancy. Here is a list of the best foods to maintain your figure and slow down your aging. Guaranteed!
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10 Foods To Live Longer
10 Foods to Live Longer
1. Garlic protects the cardiovascular system
The ancient Egyptians used garlic to treat intestinal parasites. Subsequently, it was also attributed to the benefits of healing animal bites, hair loss, and even lung disease. Currently, garlic is most often used to treat a very common disease: arteriosclerosis.
The active substances with therapeutic effects are also responsible for the specific smell of garlic. These are organic sulfur bonds such as allicin. This together with other connections acts in different parts of the body, protecting, among other things, the body against diseases of the circulatory system.
On the one hand, they have a blood-thinning effect and prevent platelet agglutination, allowing blood to flow more easily through the veins and coagulate more slowly. This prevents the formation of blood clots. In addition, there are studies that have shown the ability of garlic to lower blood pressure. Currently, discussions about the ability of allicin to reduce LDL cholesterol levels in the blood are also supported by studies that confirm the properties of garlic to reduce cardiovascular risk, both by lipid-lowering mechanism and other mechanisms (anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiplatelet, etc. )
The antimicrobial and antibacterial actions of garlic are very beneficial for the human body, helping it to age well. It also protects against digestive cancers and contains vitamins A, B, C, and E that strengthen the immune system. To avoid bad breath after consuming garlic, you can let it marinate in olive oil beforehand.
2. Dark chocolate is the gourmet’s antioxidant
Too sweet, too fat, and dark chocolate is often banned during diets. Yet it is excellent for your health! Recently, a study by Harvard University concluded that the consumption of dark chocolate boosts life expectancy. Indeed, this food is rich in flavonoids and antioxidants beneficial to the cardiovascular system. Of course, you have to be reasonable and avoid abuse. Chocolate is, indeed, one of the most caloric foods.
Dark chocolate is rich in nutrients that can positively influence your health. Made from the seeds of the cocoa tree, it is one of the best sources of antioxidants on the planet. Studies show that dark chocolate (not sugared chocolate) can improve health and reduce the risk of heart disease.
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10 Foods To Live Longer
The fatty acid profile of cocoa and dark chocolate is excellent. Fats are largely saturated and monounsaturated, with small amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Chocolate also contains stimulants such as caffeine and theobromine, but it is unlikely to let you sleep at night because the amount of caffeine is small compared to that of coffee.
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Dark chocolate also has organic compounds, which are biologically active and function as antioxidants: polyphenols, flavones, and catechins. A study shows that dark chocolate and cocoa contain more active antioxidants – polyphenols and flavones – than other fruits that have been tested, including blueberries and acai berries.
Conclusion: Quality dark chocolate is rich in fiber, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, and a few other minerals.
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10 Foods To Live Longer
3. Olive oil has an anti-aging virtue
The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest and most balanced there is and is a set of eating habits typical of the people of the Mediterranean basin. It is attributed to certain beneficial properties for health and a prominent role in the prevention of various diseases, largely due to the contribution of olive oil.
The Mediterranean diet consists of about 50 to 55% of calories that come from carbohydrates (mainly complex and high in fiber), 10 to 12% of protein, and 30 to 35% of fat. This is the importance of olive oil, rich in monounsaturated fats, which belong to the group of healthy fats.
And that’s good because it increases longevity! It contains oleic acid, which lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, this oil hydrates the skin and slows down its aging. It is also an excellent remedy against pain, coughing, and even hangovers!
Olive oil adds an excellent flavor to many foods, but also helps prevent and reduce the development of many diseases. Studies show that daily consumption of olive oil is essential for the prevention of certain types of cancer, so it would help you live longer. This food, in addition to being tasty, is very healthy.
The antioxidants found in this type of oil help reduce oxidative damage caused by free radicals, which are believed to be one of the main sources of cancer.
4. Red fruits color your diet
While they bring a touch of color to your desserts and a lot of flavors, red fruits also allow you to age well. Strawberries, grapes, blueberries, and gooseberries contain a lot of vitamins and minerals that keep you toned. In addition, their natural pigments, pink, red, and purple, are excellent antioxidants. Red fruits slow cell aging in both internal and external skin. Among the red fruits, cranberry is one of the most effective antioxidants.
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10 Foods To Live Longer
Red fruits, in general, are indispensable foods, and they are some of the best fruits that you can include in your diet, due to their multiple health benefits. Particular emphasis should be placed on the rejuvenating properties of blueberries, which are reflected in both beauty and general health.
They provide carotenoids and anthocyanins, components that are highly valued because they fight free radicals – which lead to the aging of the body.

10 Foods To Live Longer
Blueberries are rich in vitamins A and C and, to a lesser extent, vitamin B. In terms of minerals, they contain calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium.
Papaya is a gift from nature and even if it is an exotic fruit it is more and more accessible. The medicinal properties of papaya include the alkalizing effect on the body, being perfect for combating disease-causing acidity and aging of the body. This fights constipation.
Red grapes contain resveratrol, a health-promoting molecule that helps fight cellular aging, whose outward signs are wrinkles and poor overall condition. Resveratrol also prevents cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases.
You can also find valuable information about the 10 Foods for Better Digestion if you click here!
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10 Foods To Live Longer
5. Onions help against infections and osteoporosis
Onions are characterized by their rich content in thiosulfinates, sulfides, sulfoxides, and other odoriferous compounds. Cysteine sulfoxides are mainly responsible for the aroma of onions and the production of compounds that lead to eye irritation and tearing.
Thiosulfinates have antimicrobial properties. Onions are effective against many bacteria, such as bacillus subtilis, salmonella, and E.coli. However, onions do not have as intense action as garlic, as in onion I find only a quarter of the sulfur compounds that are part of the composition of garlic.
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10 Foods To Live Longer
Ancient writings attest that onions have been used since 4000 BC. as a treatment for many diseases. In World War II, onion paste vapors were used to reduce pain and speed up wound healing.
Even today, onions offer multiple health benefits:
- anemia – has a high iron content
- anti-inflammatory – anti-inflammatory agents in onions are useful for reducing the symptoms of inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and gout
- Antiseptic – fights infections caused by bacteria, including E. coli, and salmonella, and is effective against tuberculosis and urinary tract infections such as cystitis.
- blood pressure – whether eaten raw or boiled, onions help lower blood pressure naturally. Helps to thin the blood, dissolve blood clots and cleanse the blood of unhealthy fats
- cholesterol – eating half a raw onion every day, bad cholesterol levels will decrease, thrombosis will fade and cardiovascular accidents will be prevented
- prevention of colon cancer – fructo-oligosaccharides in onions stimulate the growth of good bacteria in the colon and help reduce the risk of tumor growth that could develop in the colon
It brings a delicate aroma to your salads and your culinary preparations. A low-calorie food, the onion is very rich in trace elements, minerals, and water. It improves transit, reduces urinary tract infections, and prevents osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. In addition, it increases longevity. Indeed, its antioxidant properties make it possible to slow your aging. In this area, the red onion is the most effective in increasing your life expectancy.
6. Citrus fruits are essential tonics
Lemons, oranges, mandarins, and grapefruits are rich in vitamins A and C, but also in fiber and minerals, as well as antioxidants. In short, citrus fruits are concentrates of vitality that boost the immune system and increase life expectancy. Their daily consumption makes it possible to combat the action of free radicals and cellular aging. Citrus fruits also protect you against cardiovascular diseases and digestive cancers.
All citrus fruits, have high water content and therefore a diuretic effect. In addition to all this, they also contain many other vitamins and minerals, essential for a complete nutritional balance.
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10 Foods To Live Longer
If we replace desserts rich in sugar and fat with fragrant and cold citrus slices we can quickly get a reduction in the layer of abdominal fat, reduce the appearance of cellulite, and have a more tonic overall appearance. Another secret to healthy living is the introduction of lime juice in salad dressing, fish, and seafood, but also grilled vegetables or poultry. In addition to the special exotic aroma, limes have as few calories as lemons – only 30 per 100g, but many antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties.
Specialists have recently sounded several alarm signals regarding the grapefruit. It contains furanocoumarins, substances that can chemically react with some medicines prescribed by doctors. It is especially about treatments for heart or neurological diseases, but also treatment with contraceptives. Therefore, if you are undergoing certain treatment for a chronic condition, talk to your doctor about grapefruit consumption, which may affect your blood levels of medicines.
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10 Foods To Live Longer
7. Algae are great against cancer
Very present in Asian cuisine, algae are renowned for their many virtues. Remarkably rich in vitamins and minerals, algae tones are especially for the elderly, children, as well as lactating or pregnant women. In particular, they make it possible to combat hypertension and tumors, particularly thyroid cancer. They are, therefore, an excellent ally for aging well, whether consumed raw or cooked. Do not wait any longer to put yourself in the kitchen with algae!
Edible seaweed (also known as “sea vegetables” or “ocean vegetables”) is an unexpected source of nutrients. In general, edible algae are an excellent source of fiber, calcium, potassium, iron, and iodine. Depending on the variety, seaweed can be a valuable source of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, copper, zinc, manganese, magnesium, and selenium.
But did you know that certain types of seaweed can also offer an alternative treatment for cancer?
Numerous medical studies have shown that certain types of edible seaweed have anti-cancer properties. These include brown-gray algae, such as kelp and wrack algae. The anti-carcinogenic component of these brown algae is called fucoidan. This natural compound can also be found in other varieties of seaweed, such as limu, wakame, kombu, and mozuku. About 4% of the dry weight of algae contains fucoidan.
The Rise of Benefits of Chlorella
8. Tofu makes your skin firm
Tofu can be considered a substitute for cheese made from any type of milk. Even the process of making it is similar, based on soy milk resulting from grinding hydrated soybeans. Tofu cheese is simply a treasure trove of vegetable protein. It perfectly stimulates the brain and increases efficiency. For people who care about the figure, it is very important that this cheese has a low-calorie content. It is a light product and perfectly satisfies hunger. Tofu cheese will never be a burden on the stomach. Tofu has absolutely no fat and retains its useful properties even after heat treatment.
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10 Foods To Live Longer
Tofu, like other soy products, contains collagen and isoflavones that make the skin firm. Excellent for your figure, tofu is also rich in minerals, essential fatty acids, and vitamin A. During menopause, it helps the body withstand the decline in estrogen. In addition, it lowers bad cholesterol. Although soy is now controversial, it remains an excellent food for longer life. The Asians, who hold the record for longevity, are proof of that!
9. Aromatic herbs boost your memory
Even though each herb has its own properties, all herbs are known to fight tumors. Chives, basil, mint, and rosemary are rich in antioxidants and slow cell aging. In addition, aromatic herbs enhance memory and help prevent neurodegenerative diseases. The best are sage, rosemary, and basil. In terms of preserving memory and improving attention, in addition to these, we can add other beneficial plants such as ginkgo Biloba, Gotu kola, ginseng, and blueberries.
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10 Foods To Live Longer
Ginkgo biloba produces remarkable brain stimulation. Although it cannot cure dementia, it helps improve memory and cognitive performance. A study published in Phytomedicine showed that this plant can bring additional benefits to Alzheimer’s patients under conventional treatment. After a year, the results showed that people who, in addition to drugs, also took ginkgo Biloba, reported an improvement in their quality of life.
Herbs are used as medicine throughout history. They were even used by ancient Egyptians and Greeks. Today, herbal remedies are still widely used to treat common ailments such as colds, coughs, sore throats, headaches, and indigestion. Many people also believe that certain herbs can boost energy levels and improve athletic performance.
10. Nuts keep the skin young
Nuts are full of omega and other unsaturated fatty acids essential to your health. Their anti-inflammatory properties make it possible to fight against cutaneous defects such as acne or eczema. In addition, nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, or pistachios contain plant sterols that lower cholesterol, which increases your longevity. They are also rich in vitamin E and in antioxidants, which make it possible to fight effectively against the free radicals responsible for the aging of your cells.
These nuts would help manage weight because the omega fats in them help with good causes. Along with this you also have protein and fiber, which helps to lose weight when nuts are eaten in moderation. Most dietitians and fitness trainers will ask you to saturate your hunger pangs with nuts. Weight management gurus will also advise you the same, even if the nut is dense in calories.
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10 Foods To Live Longer
10 Foods to Live Longer
Lower Risk of Cancer
Eating walnuts is continually linked to better heart health, lower risk of cancer, reduced inflammation, blood sugar control in people with type 2 diabetes, and better brain health.
In fact, plenty of research has linked coffee and dark chocolate consumption to a decreased risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, dementia, liver disease, and even diabetes.
Blood Flow
This is mainly attributed to the flavonoids found in cocoa, which protect cells from free radicals, lower blood cholesterol, and blood pressure, and improve blood flow.
In fact, the healthiest foods period with a higher nutrient density than any other food, translating to about a 20% drop in heart attack and stroke risk for each daily serving, not only adding years to your life but life to your years because of the nitrates in greens can boast both athletic performance and blood flow throughout your body for.
Risk of Death
A large study found a 38% reduced risk of death from Alzheimer’s Disease, a 20% lower risk of dying of cancer, and a 15-18% lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease among regular fatty fish eaters. “Unfortunately just one in 10 of us reach the minimum weekly recommendation of two, 4-ounce servings.
One study that looked at green tea consumption and risk of death in those that experienced a stroke or heart attack found that the biggest tea drinkers (7 cups per day) had up to a 62 percent lower risk of death when compared to non-green tea drinkers.
Foods To Live Longer And Will Keep You Healthy
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10 Foods To Live Longer
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Foods that are high in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fat, and phytochemicals promote the production of anti-inflammatory compounds.
For instance, walnuts have a hefty dose of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) content an omega-3 fatty acid that helps reduce inflammation.
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