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Bad Habits. Time For a Change. We Have The Power!

Bad Habits. Time For a Change. We Have The Power!

Bad Habits. Time For a Change.

I am writing this blog post "Bad Habits. Time For a Change", as a continuation of another post of mine (The Power of Habits - How to Cut Bad Habits), also about bad habits. This time, I showing you a case study, as an example, a case study about me.

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Bad Habits. Time For a Change. We Have The Power For This!
Bad Habits - Time For a Change
Bad Habits. Time For a Change

The Case Study about Me

Yes, this is how I was looking 10 years ago. I was smoking, not excessively, but I smoked, 2-3 packs of cigarettes a week, and I also consumed alcohol.

At the beginning of the year, we all plan to change our bad habits, such as smoking, alcohol, unhealthy eating, little sleep, burnout, or all these, together. This is what I started 10 years ago. A change in my lifestyle.

The qualitative change in our life begins by understanding where we want to go! What is our goal?

While we are young up to 40 years old, we don't really give importance to the quality of life, what we eat, how we eat, how much we smoke, how much alcohol we drink, etc., and we think we are invincible to the diseases that can appear because of these bad habits.

"Nothing can happen to us!"

But, after we exceed the age of 40, we notice that we start to get a little bit of pain. On the back, if we are overweight, a leg, a joint, if we don't, movement and we are sedentary.

Bad Habits. Time For a Change. We Have The Power For This!
Bad Habits - Time For a Change. Fatty
Bad Habits. Time For a Change

When we go to the doctor and do our medical tests, we find that we have high blood sugar, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or even worse, diabetes, other digestive or other organ diseases.

In about 15% of cases, these diseases have hereditary causes, but in many cases, they are due to bad habits.

In my case, I smoked for 20 years, and I quit 10 years ago. It was hard, especially when I went to parties, pubs, or bars. I also had to give up alcohol, because when I drank alcohol, I had the desire to smoke.

But I quit smoking right away! Before that, I started to feel bad, I was tired, and it's true that I wasn't exercising much. I was semi-sedentary.

I'm not trying to tell you about my life, because I don't think you're interested! but I want to present you a case study, my case study!

Except that I smoked and drank alcohol, I worked a lot 12 hours/day, slept poorly and little, ate what I could and when I could, and most of the food was based on saturated fats.

As I told you, I started to feel tired, I had pain in my back and knees after I did my medical tests I noticed that I had high cholesterol, blood pressure, and many extra kilos.

Bad Habits. Time For a Change. We Have The Power For This!
Bad Habits - Time For a Change. my medical tests
Bad Habits. Time For a Change

Time for a Change

It was time for a change, but the change did not come immediately. It took me almost 6 years to really change my lifestyle. yes, I gave up smoking and alcohol 10 years ago, but I decided with difficulty to change my diet and start exercising. I liked to eat, especially meat and fatty foods, fewer vegetables, and fruits.

More to the pressure of my friends, who were the more sporty type, I started to think about changing my diet. A friend of mine, a nutritionist, advised me how to start, without sudden changes, gradually, without eliminating animal products from the diet. I completely gave up added sugar, such as sweets and white sugar, and replaced it with sugar in its natural state, that is, from fruits and organic honey.

I also added vegetables to my diet, based on my research on the Internet, in addition to the nutritionist's advice. I came to the conclusion that it is not sustainable and I cannot lose weight in 3 months, while I gained weight in 20 years. I had to change the concept from: "I live to eat!" to "Eat to live!"

I read a lot about how not to associate foods, a very important fact for me. For example, if I eat rice, I no longer associate it with meat, eggs, or vegetables. I season it with salt and herbs and that's it. If I eat meat, I eat it without other types of food, only meat. Same with vegetables…

Not to forget! I started drinking 2-3 liters of water daily, even more in the summer, even when I'm not thirsty. When I have a vague feeling of hunger, I drink water in small sips, about 1/2 liter, and my hunger goes away.

Bad Habits. Time For a Change. We Have The Power For This!
"Eat to live!"
Bad Habits. Time For a Change

Eat Less than you Burn

After I adopted a balanced diet, based 60% plant-based and 40% on animal food, I started to exercise, not at the gym, but easy walks or runs. At first 1-2 km, and now after 5 years 10-12 km daily.
From 115 kg when I changed my lifestyle, I reached 100 kg, but my goal is to reach 85 kg in 3 years.

I don't strictly calculate how many calories I consume daily, but I try as much as possible to eat the same portions, in terms of size, which for me has resulted in weight loss.

But the most important thing is that my back or knees no longer hurt, and I have normal cholesterol and normal blood pressure.

Bad Habits. Time For a Change. We Have The Power For This!
Bad Habits. Time For a Change

An important support in my balanced diet was the fact that I gave up fast food and junk food, and I started cooking food at home from as natural ingredients as possible.

I realized that cooking my own food can be important for several reasons:

  1. Health: I have control over ingredients and can make healthier choices.
  2. Budget: Home-cooked meals are often more affordable than eating out.
  3. Skill development: Cooking is a valuable life skill that can be both enjoyable and useful.
  4. Bonding: Cooking and sharing meals with loved ones can strengthen relationships.
  5. Cultural preservation: Preparing traditional dishes can help preserve cultural heritage.

Cooking your own food is incredibly important for many reasons. By taking the time to prepare meals at home, you can ensure that you are eating healthy, nutritious foods and avoiding unhealthy additives or preservatives. Preparing your own meals also allows you to control the portion sizes and calorie content of each dish, helping you to maintain a balanced diet.

Cooking your own food can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. It allows you to get creative in the kitchen, try out new recipes, and even bond with family members while cooking together. Finally, preparing your own meals can be more cost-effective than eating out or purchasing pre-prepared meals. All in all, cooking your own food is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle and should be something that everyone takes the time to do.

Bad Habits. Time For a Change. We Have The Power For This!
Bad Habits. Time For a Change. Home cooking
Bad Habits. Time For a Change

Eat Food, Not too Much, Mostly Plants!

Everything starts from your own will, the information about your own health, and the result you want to reach. We must understand that medicine does not treat causes, but only effects. It depends only on us not to end up with effects, but to prevent causes by changing the unhealthy lifestyle. Don't ignore the signs your body gives you in time, act before it's too late! If you look at a healthy lifestyle as a burden, you won't be able to change anything for the better, it will be like extra stress that damages you.

Bad Habits. Time For a Change. We Have The Power For This!
Bad Habits. Time For a Change. Mental preparation.
Bad Habits. Time For a Change

Everything is done in time and with mental preparation!

Some time ago I discovered a free course, which helped me enormously, and which I recommend. I warmly advise you to follow the course by Maya Adam, MD with the big contribution of Michael Pollan from Stanford University, "Stanford Introduction to Food and Health", which you can find it for free. He says in this course, I quote: "Eat food, Not too Much, Mostly plants!".

What does this mean? We should eat healthily, not to exceed quantitatively, practically not to get full, to compensate with a lot of water, and the food should be largely based on plants, cereals, seeds, fruits, and vegetables.

About this Course:

This is a short introduction to their website.

Around the world, we find ourselves facing global epidemics of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, and other predominantly diet-related diseases. To address these public health crises, we urgently need to explore innovative strategies for promoting healthful eating.

There is strong evidence that global increases in the consumption of heavily processed foods, coupled with cultural shifts away from the preparation of food in the home, have contributed to high rates of preventable, chronic diseases. In this course, learners will be given the information and practical skills they need to begin optimizing the way they eat.

This course will shift the focus away from reductionist discussions about nutrients and move, instead, toward practical discussions about real food and the environment in which we consume it. By the end of this course, learners should have the tools they need to distinguish between foods that will support their health and those that threaten it. In addition, we will present a compelling rationale for a return to simple home cooking, an integral part of our efforts to live longer, healthier lives.

Bad Habits. Time For a Change. We Have The Power For This!
Bad Habits. Time For a Change. Stanford Introduction to Food & Health
Bad Habits. Time For a Change

If you follow this course, I am convinced that you will succeed in adopting a healthy lifestyle!


If you are aware that you are addicted to bad habits, and you really want to give them up, first of all, you have to know yourself and especially what is the state of your health. There is no such thing as someone being addicted to a bad habit and being healthy, believe me! If you think otherwise, I advise you to get your medical tests done.

Starting from these two things, you also need to know where you want to go; what is your goal? Based on this, you have to start acting. Mental preparation is very important. It only depends on you! Oh, and with the support of those around you.

Even if it seems difficult, even if it takes time to see the results, don't give up, life is not eternal. It is preferable to reach aging healthy so that we can enjoy our free time.

Bad Habits. Time For a Change. We Have The Power For This!
Bad Habits. Time For a Change

So, reaching aging healthily is a goal that takes time, dedication, and commitment. Follow these:

  1. Make sure to stay active. Regular physical activity can help maintain strength and flexibility as you age. Try joining a gym, doing yoga, or taking regular walks or hikes.
  2. Eat a balanced diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid processed food and limit your intake of saturated fats and sugars.
  3. Get enough sleep each night - aim for 7-9 hours per night for optimal health.
  4. Make sure to stay socially connected with friends and family, participate in activities that interest you, and look for ways to give back to your community. This will help keep your mind sharp while promoting emotional well-being.
  5. Incorporate stress reduction techniques into your daily life such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or journaling.
  6. Finally, make sure to visit your doctor regularly so that any potential health issues can be detected early on and treated appropriately.

If you have questions or want to comment, please leave them below and I will answer as soon as I can. Thank you for reading ''Bad Habits. Time For a Change. We Have The Power!''

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