What Are The Best Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle?
A healthy lifestyle is defined differently in the eyes of each person. Thus, each person gives a certain level of importance to the lifestyle, depending on their wishes and needs. However, there are some defining characteristics of health, which provide some generally good benefits.
Many of us associate a healthy lifestyle with weight loss and diets. It will certainly help you lose weight, but a healthy and balanced life involves much more. I don't think there is an exact and comprehensive definition!
On the BBC website, we find this definition of a healthy lifestyle: ''means eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, avoiding tobacco and drugs and getting plenty of rest. Our bodies are like machines that require a balance of protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals, and water to stay in good working order. Get the balance wrong and your health will suffer''.
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The Best Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of disease".
A healthy lifestyle can provide a wide range of benefits, both physically and mentally. Here are a few of the best benefits:
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The Best Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle
- Improved physical health: A healthy lifestyle can help to improve overall physical health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and increase lifespan.
- Increased energy levels: Eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise can help to increase energy levels and improve overall well-being.
- Improved mental health: A healthy lifestyle can help to reduce the risk of mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety, and improve overall mental well-being.
- Better sleep: A healthy lifestyle can help to improve sleep quality and duration, which can have a positive impact on overall health.
- Improved immune function: A healthy lifestyle can help to improve immune function and reduce the risk of illness and infection.
- Better physical appearance: Eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise can help to improve physical appearance, such as skin and hair health.
- Increased productivity: A healthy lifestyle can help to increase productivity and performance in daily activities and at work.
- Increased happiness and enjoyment of life: A healthy lifestyle can help to improve overall happiness and enjoyment of life.
A healthy lifestyle will give you more energy, better sleep quality, improved moods, and increased productivity. It will also reduce stress and anxiety, leading to less illness and disease.
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Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle
Thus, a healthy lifestyle must be seen holistically. Concretely, think about making changes on several levels, not just eating more carefully and thinking positively - which are, by the way, the most common advice when it comes to a balanced life.
The Basic Principles of a Healthy Lifestyle
Here are the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle and what small changes you can make to respect them.
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The Best Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy Food: A Source of Energy for a Healthy Lifestyle
I am very sure that you have heard or seen such ads on TV or radio, telling us that "for a healthy life, eat fruits and vegetables every day" and "avoid excess salt, sugar, and fats". So no matter how annoying the commercial break is, look at the glass half full - with each break you will receive a reminder that you have decided to follow a healthy lifestyle.
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Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle
I base it on my experience and on the multiple attempts through which I tested the different ways of a "healthy life". Therefore, for a healthy diet, I recommend combining foods from all categories, but in moderation and at the right times.
What to eat to have a healthy lifestyle?
Here are the main tips I give you, related to what to eat to have a healthier lifestyle and feel fresher than ever:
- Eat predominantly natural foods of vegetable origin such as fruits, vegetables, and legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas), vegetables, whole grains (brown rice, whole wheat pasta, rye, oats, etc.), and oils. These are the ones that give you energy. The increased consumption of vegetables and fruits considerably reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, stroke, cancer, and premature death.
- Eating vegetables may seem insignificant to many people, but during routine nutritional analysis, you will probably notice that you are not eating vegetables and fruits at every meal. This is the best way to check, and when only half of the meals contain fresh vegetables and fruits, the diet already becomes problematic. Remember that through the cooking process, vegetables lose some of their nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. Thus, the less cooked they are, the healthier they are for you.
- Opt for fresh fruits and vegetables, ideally local and seasonal. In the off-season, they are picked earlier, cooled, and heated, which takes away from their taste. Also, if they are imported, it takes longer until they reach our market, so they lose some of their taste and nutrients. (read ''10 Foods That Will Keep You Healthy And Live Longer!'').
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Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle
What do I Have To Eat For a Healthy Lifestyle?
- For proteins, choose lean meat (chicken, rabbit, low-fat pork ) and fresh fish and eggs.
- Dairy products are the main source of calcium but opt for dairy products with low-fat content (naturally), preferably fermented ones (yogurt, kefir, whipped milk, whole milk). This means that processed cheese, cheese or milk or yogurt variants with added fruit, sugar, or jam should be consumed more cautiously.
- Foods such as nuts (hazelnut, cashew, almond) and seeds (flax, sesame, sunflower, pumpkin) are also recommended, but raw and simple without other additions. Superfoods also help a lot in better health - from powders such as spirulina, chlorella, wheat grass, and maca, to sprouts and sprouts (which contain a lot of protein, fiber, healthy fats, and minerals).
- Choose healthy snacks such as fresh fruits, and dried fruits (apricots, figs, dates, goji) but in moderation, vegetables, nuts, or plain yogurts.
Good Food For a Healthy Lifestyle
- Avoid or as much as possible, eat less often, red meat, white flour bread and pasta, butter and margarine, sweets and sugar-based drinks, potatoes, and any other refined products (semi-prepared, canned goods, sausages, with ingredients you haven't heard of or whose name you can't even pronounce, etc.). Replacing processed grains with whole grains will bring numerous benefits to the body. Start gradually, by replacing a daily meal containing refined cereals with the whole grain version.
- Avoid drinking alcohol, smoking, and giving up any other such vices. Don't fool yourself by telling yourself that a healthy diet compensates for the harmful effects they have on the body.
If you can and have resources, try to buy organic, organic, or traditional food from safe sources that have not used insecticides, pesticides, chemical feed, growth hormones, and other harmful practices.
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Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle
Water hydrates and cleans the body
It is good to start the day with 1-2 glasses of warm water in which you squeeze half a lemon if your body can handle it. This has the role of cleaning the body, compared to the water you drink throughout the day, which has the role of hydration. It is recommended to drink water at room temperature or even warm, with small sips at very short intervals, for better assimilation. In general, it is said that it is good to consume 1.5-2 liters of water per day.
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The Best Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle
Water is a vital element of the human body, which is why proper hydration should not be influenced by the activities you undertake at certain times of the day. Thus, you must hydrate yourself constantly, as water is important for the body from the following points of view:
- maintains body temperature;
- lubricates the wrists;
- protects the spine and soft tissues;
- contributes to ensuring healthy digestion;
- contributes to the elimination of toxins from the body;
- helps transport oxygen and nutrients to all body cells;
- helps to maintain normal blood pressure and stabilizes the heartbeat;
- ensures the normal production of saliva;
- moistens the mucous membranes in the lungs and the oral cavity;
- ensures the maintenance of an optimal level of electrolytes in the body.
Of course, the liquid category also includes sugar-sweetened drinks, but if you want to have a healthy lifestyle, drinking water is the most appropriate. For an additional intake of vitamins and minerals, between meals, you can also turn to unsweetened teas (or sweetened with honey), water infused with fruits or vegetables, or fresh fruit, vegetable, and green juices.
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When to eat to have a healthy lifestyle
There are many opinions related to the hours, and just as many related to the number of tables. The most common is three main meals and two snacks, where the last meal should be before 18:00 to give the body time to digest the food before going to bed (in general, the food leaves the stomach in 4-5 hours).
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The Best Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle
Otherwise, sleep is affected because during sleep the body goes into intermittent fasting and uses this interval to recover. But if you force him to digest, you certainly don't allow him to focus on recovery and you won't wake up rested the next day.
Most nutritionists, but I also recommend that at least five hours pass between main meals, and if snacks are taken, they should be at least three hours after the meal and two before the next one.
Have A Healthy Lifestyle!
But of course, depending on everyone's schedule and body, these benchmarks may differ. Maybe you have a faster metabolism or you work at night and then the schedule will look different. The recommendation is to experiment and see what works for you.
It is certain that, in this equation, you also have to take water into account. To help digestion, it is good to drink a glass of water 30 minutes before the meal. If you are thirsty after eating, it is recommended to wait at least an hour to drink water again. Otherwise, the gastric juices are diluted, which makes digestion difficult and prevents the body from getting all the nutrients from the delicious and healthy food you just enjoyed.
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The Best Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle
We all tend to confuse hunger with thirst, so that glass of water before the time you plan to stay is a great way to help you figure out if you really are hungry.
Another thing you have to consider here is that we all feel the feeling of fullness only after 20 minutes, which is why it is good to eat slowly and chew your food well to realize when you are full and not to eat beyond measure.
Intermittent fasting helps the body to detoxify
Intermittent fasting or food rest refers to both the one that happens naturally while we sleep, as well as the one done consciously on days when you only drink liquid food, from water to tea or fresh juice of fruits, vegetables, and greens. Ideally, it is to maintain a food rest of at least 12 hours, so that if you had your last meal at 6:00 p.m., the morning meal should be from 7:00 a.m. onwards.
This practice has countless benefits for the body, including reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and oxidative stress, detoxifying the body, and even prolonging life.
Be careful, however, intermittent fasting is only recommended for people who lead a healthy lifestyle and have a clean diet. If you are thinking of making a habit of intermittent fasting - apart from the "natural" one during sleep - it is good to document yourself beforehand and, even better, to consult a specialist to guide you.
Sleep: Time When the Body Recovers
Sleep is also essential in maintaining physical and mental health. Deep and restful sleep helps you to have a stronger immune system, more energy, concentrate better and improve your memory, and have a better general condition.
Long-term sleep deprivation has negative effects on health, potentially leading to chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes or cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, prolonged sleep on the weekend can trigger insomnia, and too much sleep can hide serious ailments.
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The Best Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle
Sufficient and restful sleep protects mental health and physical health and increases the quality of life. The activities we do during the day largely depend on what happens while we sleep, when the body does not sleep but works to support the healthy functioning of the brain and to maintain physical health. In the case of children and adolescents, sleep supports and supports the growth process.
However, it has become very clear in recent decades that sleep is not simply a moment when we stop all mental and physical activities, but rather a "second state", with its own complex and varied mental and physical activities. Sleep is an essential physiological process for both humans and most animals.
Sleep Well!
It helps the brain and body to develop harmoniously and function well. Therefore, when we sleep little, we are less efficient, we are tired and nervous, we make more mistakes, we are less creative and we get sick much faster. Sleep is a basic physiological need, like thirst and hunger, without which we cannot exist.
Studies show that restful sleep improves learning ability. Whether we're learning math or how to play the piano, how to play soccer or volleyball, or how to drive a car, sleep helps improve our learning and problem-solving skills. Also, sleep helps us concentrate better and be more creative.
On the other hand, studies show that lack of sleep changes the activity in certain parts of the brain, making it difficult to make decisions, and manage emotions and behavior, as well as the ability to face changes. Children and adolescents with a lack of sleep may have problems relating to the people around them. They can be nervous and impulsive, they can have mood swings, they can be sad or depressed, or lack motivation.
How many hours of sleep do you need?
Both the quality and quantity of sleep matter. Depending on everyone's body, 6-8 hours of sleep per night is recommended to feel rested and full of energy. If you sleep too little, the body will not be able to cope with the stress of the next day. As we cannot recover the lost hours the next day at the office, most of us say that we will make up for it at the weekend. But, in reality, the effects will not last. Lost sleep is never fully recovered.
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The Best Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle
As a general rule, if we wake up tired and feel a strong need to sleep during the day, it is obvious that we are not sleeping enough.
Restful sleep involves:
- 10 - 11 hours for children
- 8.5 – 9.5 hours in adolescents
- 6-8 hours in adults
The quantity and quality of sleep are influenced by several factors, including various medical conditions, such as sleep apnea. However, most of the time we fail to rest because of bad habits.
The benefits of restful sleep
- It stimulates immunity - A rested body is much stronger and can defend itself better against infections and colds.
- Maintain a healthy weight - Studies have shown that people who sleep less than 7 hours a night tend to gain more weight and have a higher risk of obesity.
- Improves mental activity - Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to long-term mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Research has shown that many people who suffer from anxiety and depression sleep less than 6 hours a night.
- Prevents diabetes - Scientists have found that people who usually sleep less than 5 hours a night have an increased risk of developing diabetes. Lack of deep sleep changes the way the body produces glucose.
- Increases sexual appetite - Men and women who don't get enough sleep have a low libido and seem less interested in sex, studies suggest.
- Decreases the risk of heart disease - Lack of sleep for long periods of time is associated with increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, and higher levels of certain chemicals that increase the risk of inflammation.
- It stimulates fertility - Insufficient sleep over long periods of time can lead to fertility problems, by reducing the secretion of reproductive hormones.
- Improves memory - While we sleep, the brain processes and consolidates the experiences of that day. If we do not sleep enough, those experiences will not be able to be stored and transformed into memories, as it normally happens.
The best hours to sleep
Our body has so-called circadian rhythms - or the "biological clock" - through which it synchronizes with the cycle of a day. Thus, when the sun sets, we start to feel more tired, and when the sun rises, more active, which usually happens around 7:00. Then the sleep is no longer as deep. Thus, the most restful sleep takes place between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
But it is not an easy program to follow. Try, however, to go to bed before 12 at night and sleep 6-8 hours daily.
Active lifestyle: Do sports or workout regularly
In addition to sports, physical activity is beneficial and means the totality of daily movement, from walking, cleaning, and gardening, to organized training or team sports. Any activity, no matter how small, when it is done consistently, will add to the lifestyle. Sedentarism is the primary enemy of a healthy lifestyle, and avoiding it, by any means, is essential.
If you are not used to exercising, start with minimal activities and changes: take the stairs instead of taking the elevator, walk an extra 1 km to work, dance, move around the house more, and never sit sitting on a chair for more than an hour.
Then, choose a sporting activity that you will really enjoy. Whether it's running, weight training, fitness classes, dance classes, team sports, yoga, or anything else, it's important not to feel obligated and burdened by that sport. This way you will practice the sport much more and for a longer time.
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The Best Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle
Being sedentary is one of the "diseases" of the century, but if you choose to have a healthy lifestyle, you will definitely need to make a change in this regard.
Sports should not be a chore because then you do more harm than good. Think of something you like to do and start from there. It can be dancing, walking, climbing, etc.
Exercise For A Healthy Lifestyle!
Or if you still don't know what would make you happy, you can try to go to a fitness club and test the different training options for beginners at that gym.
It is recommended to train for at least an hour three times a week, or at least 30 minutes every day. But if you choose to train outdoors, take care to protect yourself from the harmful effects of UV rays by applying a very good sun protection cream.
You can make sure you squeeze in your daily dose of exercise through little tricks that are so simple that you have no excuse not to try them.
Sport has a very important role in creating a healthy lifestyle.
Movement contributes to maintaining a state of well-being, longevity, and general health, these being beneficial both physically and mentally - it helps control body weight, increases self-confidence and will, maintains the health of bones, muscles, and joints, stimulates immunity, reduces mental fatigue and the list goes on.
A positive attitude: The key to maintaining well-being
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The Best Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle
Many attempts to lose weight, quit smoking, or make any other changes fail because we are not good at positive attitudes.
A positive attitude implies having balanced thinking and emotional well-being. Thus, only with a healthy diet, regular sleep schedule, and exercise, you will not be able to achieve a long-term healthy lifestyle. These efforts are sabotaged by stress and negative thinking and emotions.
Instead, they can direct you towards depression, constant feelings of irritability, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, the development of unhealthy eating habits, and other such "bad habits".
How to get rid of stress and negative thoughts
So try to see the glass half full, to be optimistic, but at the same time realistic. Those who think positively and smile more stay young longer and are perceived as more beautiful.
To get rid of stress, find time to relax, after a more difficult meeting, a full day at work, or another situation that caused you discomfort.
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The Best Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle
Although every person goes through stressful situations once in a while, daily stress is much more dangerous. Chronic stress keeps the body in a constant state of struggle, overtaxing it and increasing the risk of many ailments.
Once you realize that stress is present in everyday life, you need to find a way to reduce it. Know your body and mind and thus you will know how to react in certain situations and how to manage daily stress.
Fortunately, physical exercise, among the countless benefits, also reduces stress, by releasing hormones called endorphins or "hormones of happiness".
Other habits such as meditation, breathing techniques, keeping a diary, talking with friends, and time in nature, all of these can help reduce stress.
Get Rid Of Stress!
Make a list of activities that you know relax you and take your mind off everything. Some examples would be listening to music, reading, going out with friends, or doing sports. Whatever you choose, make sure you enjoy doing it because then the body releases endorphins that generate a state of happiness and comfort.
Likewise, spiritual practices such as meditation, writing in a diary, yoga, reading a good book, or simply a cold analysis of difficult situations can help you get rid of negative emotions.
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The Best Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle
Socialization: Strong relationships are part of a healthy lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle also requires feeling safe at all times - feeling that you have all the necessary resources to get out of a situation in which you are afraid.
And yet, there are extremely many fears that we continue to have, one of loneliness being among the biggest. Loneliness can lead to depression which, in turn, can evolve into much more serious conditions.
That is why it is recommended for everyone develop strong relationships. In the first phase, find those people with whom you feel good - family, and friends - and focus on the growth and development of these relationships.
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The Best Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle
Don't put pressure on yourself to suddenly become the most sociable person in the world. Otherwise, you add another reason for stress. There is no need to increase your circle of close friends to infinity, there is no recommended number of relationships and it is not a competition either.
Train your mind to keep it "young"
The mind should not be neglected when you want to adopt a healthy lifestyle, although many of us tend to focus on nutrition and exercise, possibly relaxation and that's it.
But just like everything else related to the body, the brain also suffers when we don't take care of our health. Lack of sleep affects concentration, poor nutrition can affect learning and the list goes on.
The reverse is also true - if you can't concentrate, it might take you longer to do a task, and maybe you'll stay overtime at work, so you'll get stressed.
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The Best Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle
In addition, the mind is a "muscle" that loses its elasticity if it is not used. Always look to learn something new - for example, a foreign language - develop a new hobby, read, solve puzzles, or any other activity that trains your ability to pay attention, memory, distributive attention, critical thinking, etc. It is certain that if you take care to stimulate your thinking with pleasant activities outside of working hours, you will only get benefits that will help you on your journey toward a healthy lifestyle.
Lifestyle is the summation of all daily habits, and in order to reach a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to change habits. Some of the most serious diseases can be significantly prevented, only through a healthy lifestyle, with a correct diet, physical activity, and a state of peace.
It is important to remember that this does not happen overnight. But it is a long-term project that can have ups and downs. The key is to set realistic goals, to accept that every step - no matter how small - matters, to persevere, and be patient.
We hope that the ideas and advice in this guide helped you better understand what a healthy lifestyle consists of and help you start this journey!
If you have questions or want to comment, please leave them below and I will answer as soon as I can. Thank you for reading ''The Best Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle!''
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