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Water Intake Calculator

Water Intake Calculator

Water intake calculator helps you calculate how much water your body needs daily. You can use this tool for any purpose like weight loss, health, dieting, sports, exercise, etc. Do you know how much water you should drink daily?

How to Use It:

Input your: Age, Sex, Height, Weight, Season, and Activity Level, then click the Calculate Button, and get the result! 


Water Intake Calculator


You should drink ...... of water per day

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Water Intake Calculator


Calculating the best daily water intake

Our water calculator will assist you in estimating how much water you require per day, including how much you will need to drink in the form of fluids (pure water or beverages). Our water intake calculator provides results in liters, milliliters, cups (equivalent to a standard glass), and ounces of water. Of course, these are estimates based on population averages, so consulting your physician or nutritionist before making changes to your water consumption or exercise routine is always recommended.

We use a rule that expresses water requirements in ml/kCal in relation to energy requirements. Energy requirements in each age and gender group are strongly evidence-based, based on extensive research that takes into account body size and activity level, which are important determinants of energy expenditure that must be met by dietary energy intake. Such expenditure measures employ highly accurate methods, and thus TDEE is based on solid data rather than the compromise inherent in Adequate Intake estimations for water.

Those same determinants apply to water utilization and balance, providing an argument for linking water/fluid intake recommendations to the more thoroughly researched energy recommendations. The extent to which water intake requirements are determined by energy intake and expenditure is unknown, but it has long been practiced in the clinical setting to provide 1 ml per kCal administered by a tube to patients who are unable to take in food or fluids. This is the basis for the output of this daily water intake calculator.

Water enters the human body through three main channels: water and other beverages, food, and as a byproduct of metabolic processes. Because water and beverages are only a portion of the input, our calculator will provide you with both your total water intake recommendation and how much of it you need to get through drinking fluids.

drinking water bc-educate

You should be careful not to confuse how much water you require with how much water you must consume. Because the latter is typically only about 4/5 of the total, you actually need to drink slightly less water than your total daily requirements. If you need 70 ounces of water per day, you only need to drink 56 oz (7 cups, roughly equivalent to 7 standard water glasses), the rest will enter your body through food and metabolic processes.

As part of the metabolic processes, our bodies constantly lose water. Water is expelled from the body in the form of urine as a result of gastrointestinal processes, as part of respiration, sweating, and other insensible outputs. As a result, in order for our system to function properly, we must replenish its fluids on a regular basis. 

The human body is constantly attempting to maintain homeostasis, and because sweating varies greatly depending on physical activity and how hot the environment is, it can result in dramatically different water drinking requirements. Living in an extremely hot or cold climate, or being pregnant, are also significant factors. If you are subject to such influences, as explained in the adjustments section, some adjustments in the amount of water may be required.

It should be noted that, in general, our bodies are fairly good at estimating how much water one needs on a daily basis, which occurs through the thirst mechanism. If you are thirsty, you should drink water regardless of what any estimate tells you about how much water you should drink per day.

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