The Best Foods For Your Health
What Are The Best Foods For Your Health? Starting from the famous motto given by Hippocrates "Let food be your medicine and medicine your food", awareness of the importance of the food we consume is essential.
Food is the one that must promote health and even contribute to healing. Healthy food has these properties, it has the ability to improve and maintain health, increase longevity and contribute to the cure of diseases. (Read the article ''The Best Superfoods For a Healthy Lifestyle'')
Food has a special role in promoting health and longevity, as well as a significant role in the occurrence of various serious ailments, so food choices can either promote health or make it worse.
According to WHO specialists, the diet of people in the civilized world is characterized by a high intake of total fats and proteins, a much higher ratio of animal and vegetable fats, an insufficient intake of carbohydrates and dietary fiber (1/3 of what is needed) and an insufficient intake of calcium, magnesium, and selenium, and the intake of salt is far exceeded.
According to the latest data issued by the World Health Organization (WHO), the main causes of mortality in the world are related to unhealthy diets: 14 million deaths are caused annually, globally, by an incorrect and unbalanced diet.
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The Best Foods For Your Health
What Are The Best Foods For Your Health?
The most frequently consumed foods are meat and meat derivatives, eggs, and milk products, bread and sugar, and at the opposite pole are fish, legumes, oleaginous fruits, and natural juices.
60% of the subjects of the investigated sample (62.4% of men and 57% of women) were overweight and obese, based on an excessive diet, not hypercaloric but predominantly focused on animal products, rich in fats, which was associated with a lack of physical activity.
How Food Can Be Your Medicine
In the same way that not eating healthy can make you sick, eating healthy foods can oftentimes cure you of illness and provide you with relief when you are suffering.
It can also act as a preventative measure to take against illness. In fact, there is an entire method of healing around India for thousands of years called Ayurveda.
The Best Foods For Your Health
This ancient healing style is utilized in order to treat any illness simply by changing your diet. Food is literally the medicine that has helped to keep the people of India alive for centuries. And it can still be applicable today.
In fact, many remedies are simply healthy foods that have anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to nourish your body from the inside out. Everything from infection to cancer has been known to be impacted by healthy eating choices.
And with this ancient healing art, that has never been more apparent.
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The Best Foods For Your Health
Best Foods For Your Health
Of course, a lot of modern technology will frown upon these methods because they have not been scientifically investigated, but a lot of it has been tried and true for thousands of years and will continue to impact the body.
Whether you believe in the ancient healing art or not, the fact remains that food can ultimately determine whether or not you are susceptible to illness. If you eat well, your body will be stronger and it will be able to fight off illness and infection far easier than it would if you find yourself malnourished on a standard American diet.
Without the proper vitamins and minerals in your body, it can be almost impossible to fight off the negative effects of illness.
Sometimes, it can even cause illness. If you are eating unhealthy unprocessed foods, certain types of these foods can actually lead to illnesses and make you more susceptible to certain types of cancer as well.
Although cancer is still being researched and has not fully been understood by the scientific community well enough to actually cure it, there are many instances of people who were able to live long and healthy lives simply by changing the way they need it. Healthy eating can help in decreasing the symptoms of many difficult and impossible-to-cure diseases, such as multiple sclerosis.
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The Best Foods For Your Health
Foods For Your Health
As long as you are making sure that everything that you put into your body is nourishing and is providing your organs and cells with all of the fuel and resources that they need in order to keep your body strong, they will continue to do that. And they will do it to the best of their ability.
However, if you are actively sabotaging your body, they will not be able to put up the same fight as they would if they were receiving adequate nutrition. That is why it is so important for you to take heed of the way you are nourishing your body. If you are not making active and conscientious choices about the food that you eat, you could be setting yourself up for failure in ways that you may live to regret.
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Food Is The Best Medicine
Food is the best medicine, without a doubt. It is demonstrated by numerous nutrition studies, as well as by the world's most skilled nutritionists. If you want to prevent and even treat certain diseases, you have to be careful what you eat. Here is how food can alleviate or cure certain diseases:
Cause of Osteoporosis
Calcium deficiency is not, contrary to expectations, the cause of this disease. The culprit is a diet very rich in acidic foods or rich in proteins. Proteins are broken down in the body into amino acids that the body tries to neutralize using calcium from the bones. If the loss of calcium is not restored, osteoporosis occurs over time.
Solution: Eat foods rich in vitamin D (it helps the body absorb calcium from food), eliminate foods rich in folic acid (cola, caffeine), and include more fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin K and help rebuild bones.
The Cause of Diabetes
To begin with, we must clarify one thing: it is not the amount of sugar you consume that causes this disease, but the amount of sugar in the blood and the presence of fats in the muscle cells. Due to the consumption of unhealthy fats, the beta cells that monitor blood glucose lose this ability and allow blood sugar levels to reach alarming levels.
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The Best Foods For Your Health
Solution: Avoid unhealthy fats from fried potatoes, butter, meat, vegetable oils, and pastries. Of course, avoid juices as well as all products containing artificial sweeteners. Instead, eat a lot of peanuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, sesame, and pumpkin seeds.
Cause of Acne
Processed foods increase insulin levels in the body, which leads to skin inflammation and breakouts. An unbalanced amount of Omega 3 fats in the blood can also make acne worse.
Solution: Try to have a diet low in sugar and rich in whole grains, fiber, fruits, and vegetables. They will balance the level of insulin in the body. Consume Omega 3 from nuts, flax seeds, spinach, and strawberries. Avoid fried and fatty foods.
Cause of Asthma
Asthma is the body's response to certain substances, such as dust particles or foods that irritate the respiratory system. A high level of histamine also contributes to the inflammation of the respiratory system.
Solution: Although no diet can guarantee the reversal of asthma, avoiding foods rich in histamine helps to keep the disease under control. These include alcohol, balsamic vinegar, ketchup, and processed foods.
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No one should die of cancer
The first step is to stop the consumption of all sugar, when there is no sugar in the body, cancer cells die naturally.
Second step, a glass of lemon juice is mixed with a glass of hot water, and cancer cells will decrease after approximately 1 month, drinking hot lemon juice can prevent cancer. Don't add sugar. Hot lemon juice is more beneficial than cold lemon juice.
The result of a study done at the University of Maryland, natural medicine is 1000 times better than chemicals. The third step is to reduce the risk of cancer if 3 spoons of organic coconut oil are used in the morning and night. Yellow and purple potatoes prevent cancer.
It is true that cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, and it is a disease that can have a devastating impact on individuals and their families. However, it is important to note that significant progress has been made in the prevention, detection, and treatment of cancer in recent years.
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What Are The Best Foods For Your Health?
There are several things that can be done to reduce the risk of cancer, such as:
- Not smoking or using tobacco products
- Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine
- Protecting your skin from the sun
- Getting vaccinated against certain types of cancer (e.g. hepatitis B vaccine can help prevent liver cancer)
- Getting screened for cancer as recommended by your healthcare provider
Early detection and treatment of cancer can often lead to better outcomes. There are also many cancer support organizations and resources available to help individuals and their families cope with cancer and navigate the treatment process.
Here are some steps, you should follow to prevent cancer:
- Food, drinking often can increase and the probability of stomach cancer.
- Never eat more than 4 eggs a week.
- If you eat too much and the stomach is full, can cause stomach cancer in the future.
- Never eat fruit after food. We need to eat fruit before we eat.
- Don't drink tea during menstruation.
- Try to consume less soy milk...
- Empty the stomach (hungry stomach). Consume tomatoes when you're hungry.
- Drink a glass of water every morning before eating to protect yourself from fatigue.
- Never eat 3 hours before sleep.
- Avoiding water can lead to diabetes and hypertension. The main point of nutrition should be a lot of water consumption.
- Try to eat toast cooked in the oven or toast.
- Keep the phone away from you during sleep.
- Drink 10 cups of water a day to prevent cancer.
- Try to drink more water during the day, except at the night;
- Drinking more than 2 cups of coffee can cause insomnia and stomach problems.
- You need to consume less oil. Digestion takes 5 to 7 hours, it makes you feel more tired.
- Eat less after 5 pm, or don't eat at all!
- Eat fruits like banana, grapefruit, spinach, pumpkin, and peach that'll make you feel happier.
- Sleeping less than 8 hours per day breaks brain function. Half an hour's break in the afternoon allows you to look younger.
- Eat-baked tomatoes have better therapeutic features than raw tomatoes.
- Drinking hot lemon juice kills cancer cells. Hot lemon juice improves our quality of life and allows us to live longer.
- Add 2-3 slices of lemon to hot water to get our daily drink.
So, Here Are Some Foods For Your Health
In order to effectively prevent diseases and extend the duration of an active life, you need foods rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, quality proteins, and slow carbohydrates.
These are other foods that can prevent and treat various diseases:
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What Are The Best Foods For Your Health?
Fatty Oceanic Fish
Contains unsaturated fats (including Omega 3 fatty acids), fat-soluble vitamins - especially vitamins D and A and quality proteins. Unsaturated fats protect the entire cardiovascular system and keep brain tissue healthy. Vitamin A has an antioxidant effect - it delays the degradation of tissues, increases visual acuity, maintains the health of the heart and brain, and contributes to the increase of immunity.
Vitamin D has a major role in ensuring a healthy, robust bone system and contributes to maintaining sexual function at normal parameters. Proteins are the ones that provide the material for restoring tissues. Not enough: the mercury that is usually found in the meat of this fish (that's why it's good not to exceed a few hundred grams per week). To benefit from its qualities, consume steamed ocean fish.
Rich in potassium and good carbohydrates, these fruits tone and protect your heart, helping you get through the "tests" that involve more physical effort. Bananas also contain pro-vitamin A (antioxidant). In addition, they act as a gastric dressing and potentiate the functioning of the liver. In order not to risk the accumulation of kilograms by consuming them, eat them separately, at a distance of one and a half - 2 hours from the meal, or at the beginning of the meal if it is predominantly carbohydrate.
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What Are The Best Foods For Your Health?
Bananas - Foods For Your Health
The composition of lentils contains vitamins from the B complex, magnesium, zinc, potassium, and iron. In addition, lentils contain 25% protein, being a good alternative for periods when you do not eat meat or if you have a vegetarian diet.
In a study conducted in Iran on a sample of 48 overweight and obese people with type 2 diabetes, it was found that participants who consumed 60 grams of lentils every day for 8 weeks improved their "good" cholesterol (HDL). On the other hand, "bad" cholesterol (LDL) decreased significantly, as did the level of triglycerides.
Cholesterol and triglycerides are two risk factors that often lead to cardiovascular disease, which is why they must be kept under control, especially when the body is also dealing with other problems such as diabetes.
If you include it in your current diet, it has a high potential to keep the brain in excellent shape.
It is enough and even good to consume them in small quantities (several tens of grams once every 2-3 days). In addition to healthy fats, they contain coenzyme Q10 (antioxidant, heart protector). Forest hazelnuts (consumed raw) are, for many people over 30, a necessity. (Coenzyme Q10 is also found in liver, eggs, beef, fish, and soy, but it is affected by thermal preparation.)
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What Are The Best Foods For Your Health?
The German Association for Nutrition (DGE) recommends the regular consumption of hazelnuts, as including in the daily diet an amount of up to 25 grams of hazelnuts brings health benefits, contributing to the prevention of atherosclerosis (effect due to the healthy profile of the fatty acids contained – popularly known as "good fats").
Bell peppers
Represent an excellent source of vitamin C and beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A), thus having a high antioxidant power (peppers are 2 times more concentrated in vitamin C than kiwi and lemons). Collagen is the main protein, structured in the body, necessary to maintain the integrity of blood vessels, skin, organs, and bones.
Regular consumption of foods rich in this vitamin helps the human body to be protected from scurvy, and to develop resistance against infectious agents, by stimulating immunity and helping to eliminate free radicals from the body.
Sweet peppers contain small amounts of capsaicin, an alkaloid compound. The first laboratory studies on experimental mammals suggest that capsaicin has anti-bacterial, anti-carcinogenic, analgesic, and anti-diabetic properties. It has also been found to reduce triglycerides and LDL cholesterol levels in obese people.
Provide us with healthy fats (including Omega 3), fat-soluble vitamins, and (in a lower concentration than hazelnuts) coenzyme Q10.
Walnuts are food that concentrates a wealth of nutrients - vitamins, fats, antioxidants, and minerals - all these taken together recommend them for strengthening and protecting the cardiovascular system, in its entirety, and the heart, taken in part.
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What Are The Best Foods For Your Health?
Walnuts - Food for your health
Due to the extremely beneficial and healthy profile of the fatty acids contained (monounsaturated acids – 25%, polyunsaturated acids – 59%, and only 5% saturated acids), walnuts can contribute to lowering the high level of bad cholesterol (LDL).
The results showed that the risk of heart attack among Adventists is considerably lower than that of the general population.
In addition, those who ate nuts five or more times a week had an even lower risk of heart attack: About half of Adventists who participated in the study ate nuts at least once a week.
Sea Buckthorn
The concentrations of active substances in this fruit are very high. It excels primarily in the "antioxidant vitamins" (C, pro-vitamin A, E) and "antioxidant pigments" chapters. It is 8-12 times richer in vitamin C than citrus fruits. You can preserve it for a few weeks in honey, or for at least a few months (even a year) in food alcohol over 90 degrees.
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What Are The Best Foods For Your Health?
What Are The Best Foods For Your Health?
Sea buckthorn-based preparations have numerous therapeutic indications, being recommended for the treatment of numerous ailments such as liver, endocrine, digestive, gastroduodenal, or gastric ulcers. Also at the internal level, sea buckthorn is indicated in avitaminosis, the lack of vitamins in the body that weakens the immune system.
At the skin level, sea buckthorn successfully cures eczema, urticaria, infections, measles, rashes, and dermatoses. Overwork, lethargic states, stress, depression, and anxiety can also be treated with sea buckthorn preparations, as can eye diseases or atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries through which the blood circulates).
Most often, sea buckthorn is used in the treatment of colds and respiratory viruses, having a large supply of vitamins and substances that strengthen the immune system and help the body fight against viruses.
Sweet Potato
A medium-sized sweet potato (about 130 grams) contains 70 mg of salt, and 23 grams of carbohydrates of which 7 grams are sugars, 2 grams of protein, and 4 grams of dietary fiber. Unlike white potatoes, they do not contain fat and cholesterol and have fewer calories, about 100 cal. In addition to being flavorful and can be eaten in various combinations, sweet potatoes have the following therapeutic effects:
- Prevents vitamin A deficiency;
- Maintains the health of the intestinal tract;
- Helps to stimulate brain functions;
- Helps to reduce inflammation;
- Promotes fat burning.
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What Are The Best Foods For Your Health?
Leafy Green
Many of the antioxidants typically found in leafy greens – vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin – help to slow the progression of eye conditions such as age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma. In one study, women who ate more than one serving of kale (or collard greens) a week were 57 percent less likely to have glaucoma than those who ate them no more than once a month.
Leafy greens contribute to a healthy heart in a number of ways. They contain potassium, which lowers high blood pressure; fiber, which keeps cholesterol in check; and folate, which protects against heart disease and stroke. Their extensive range of antioxidants can also protect against free-radical damage, a key contributor to atherosclerosis.
Eat as many simple foods as possible that are normally found in nature (vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds). Avoid convenience foods. The body does not recognize them as beneficial foods but considers their toxins.
A healthy and balanced lifestyle must contain both quality food and exercise, rest, and balance. These are the ingredients for a healthy and harmonious life!
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